“The name “shortcake” is derived from an old English cooking definition of short which referred to something made crisp with the addition of fat. Shortcake is a crisp, crumbly cake made from butter which is how it got its name.” Yesterday the farmers market was giving away strawberries. Two huge boxes were one dollar each. The berries were very ripe and just beautiful. Strawberry season is always a big deal in this part of Florida. Florida is the second-largest strawberry producing state following California. Strawberry season runs, generally from December until April. Depending upon the weather, it will often last through May as it has this year. Now Strawberries from California will begin arriving. When I returned home, I showed them to the Greek bread and told him that I was going to make strawberry shortcake. I asked him if he knew what shortcake was and if they had it in England. He replied that he had never heard of shortcake and did not remember ever eating strawberry...
Today’s Adventures in Food… I’ve spent a few days researching pear Gorgonzola combo recipes. I was enthralled by the idea of the marriage of pungent Gorgonzola cheese and ripe juicy sweet Bosch pear. I already had every ingredient I wanted except for the pear. I started with a small piece of pizza dough from the dough I had earlier made in the bread machine. I made a caramelized brandied onion. I had a little bit of shredded mozzarella cheese, Gorgonzola crumbles, walnuts, and tons of fresh Rosemary. I sent John to the produce stand for a pear. This is absolutely the best thing I’ve ever made and tasted. The complexity of flavors, colors, and textures is epic.